Custom Log Cabin Builders
When it’s time to find the right local builder for your dream tiny home or log cabin, you can count on Tall Timber Enterprises. We guarantee you receive only the best quality products in the Fairbanks area. Built on site, delivered to you, or something in-between, let us know what you're interested in and we’ll take care of the rest!
Located in the Goldstream Valley near Fairbanks, Tall Timber is dedicated to helping you into your dream Alaskan cabin. Since 2017, we’ve been striving to create lasting relationships with our customers, and guarantee that they can count on us for honest pricing and quality builds. We specialize in small, rustic cabins built to order and can take your vision from raw land to the finished product. Let us know what we can do for you!

More than Cabins
Ask about other services that include:
Custom Sawmilling
Excavator and Skid Steer work
Land Clearing
Road Grading
Pad/Driveway/Road building
Cabin Leveling

Interested in doing business with us?
Our hours are M-F: 8am-8pm. Get in touch with us today.
2309 Lichen Way
Fairbanks, Fairbanks AKÂ 99709